Source code for kw.platform.aiohttp.utils

Helpers and Utils

import asyncio
import time
from functools import wraps

from aiohttp import web

from .. import settings
from ..utils import UserAgentValidator, httpdate

[docs]def set_sunset(response, when=None, info_url=None): """Update aiohttp response object with the ``Sunset`` HTTP header. :param response: Response object to update. :type response: :class:`aiohttp.web.Response` :param when: When the Sunset date arrives, must be UTC. :type when: datetime :param info_url: URL to a page with more information about the Sunset. :type info_url: str :rtype: :class:`aiohttp.web.Response` """ if info_url: link = '<{}>;rel="sunset"'.format(info_url) response.headers["Link"] = ( "{},{}".format(response.headers["Link"], link) if response.headers.get("Link") else link ) if when: response.headers["Sunset"] = httpdate(when) return response
[docs]def sunset(when=None, info_url=None): """A decorator for deprecating views by setting the ``Sunset`` HTTP header. Read about the ``Sunset`` header in `rfc8594 <>`_. Usage:: @sunset(when=datetime(2019, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0)) async def index(request): return web.Response("Hello, world!") :param when: When the Sunset date arrives, must be UTC. :type when: datetime :param info_url: URL to a page with more information about the Sunset. :type info_url: str """ if when is None and info_url is None: raise TypeError("function takes at least one argument (0 given)") def wrapper(view): @wraps(view) async def sunset_view(*args, **kwargs): response = await view(*args, **kwargs) return set_sunset(response, when=when, info_url=info_url) return sunset_view return wrapper
[docs]def mandatory_user_agent(handler): """A decorator for the validation that the request to the decorated handler is compliant with KW-RFC-22. See :func:`kw.platform.aiohttp.middlewares.user_agent_middleware` for more information about what happens to the request if the User-Agent header is not compliant. Usage:: @mandatory_user_agent async def handle(request): return web.json_response(message="Hello, Wordl!") """ @wraps(handler) async def wrapped(request, *args, **kwargs): user_agent = UserAgentValidator(request.headers.get("User-Agent")) if user_agent.restrict: return web.json_response( status=400, data={"message": settings.KIWI_RESTRICT_USER_AGENT_MESSAGE} ) before_time = time.time() response = await handler(request, *args, **kwargs) request_duration = time.time() - before_time if user_agent.slowdown: await asyncio.sleep(request_duration) return response return wrapped