
Configuration of this library.


Enable inspection of requests’ User-Agent header and their restriction if not compliant with KW-RFC-22, True by default.

kw.platform.settings.KIWI_REQUESTS_RESTRICT_DATETIME = '2019-08-01T13:00:00'

Datetime when to start refusing requests from services which do not comply with the KW-RFC-22 standard. See kw.platform.wsgi.user_agent_middleware.

kw.platform.settings.KIWI_REQUESTS_SLOWDOWN_DATETIME = '2019-07-24T13:00:00'

Datetime when to start slowing down requests from services which do not comply with the KW-RFC-22 standard. See kw.platform.wsgi.user_agent_middleware.

kw.platform.settings.KIWI_RESTRICT_USER_AGENT_MESSAGE = 'Invalid User-Agent: does not comply with KW-RFC-22'

Status message sent in response to requests with invalid User-Agent.